It got me thinking about the consequences of our actions. This young man ignored the rules of the road. He passed by speed limit signs, opting instead to drive at a "fun" speed. Speed limit signs are placed there for safety reasons. He also chose not to put on his seat-belt. In the state of Maine you are required to wear a seat-belt while operating a vehicle, regardless of your age. He chose not to obey the law, which is there to protect us, and because of it he lost his life.
What about the consequences of not following God's Word? I'm reminded of the story of Jonah. Jonah was a prophet (please do not sing the song). He himself proclaimed the will of God. But when God told him to go to Ninevah, he refused. Jonah thought he knew better. So he hopped aboard a boat and tried to run from God. As a result he spent three days in the belly of a fish.
When we don't follow God, bad things can happen. We think we know what's best, but we don't. If we choose to ignore an authoritative figure, whether it be God or man, we will face major consequences. Sometimes what God says may not make sense at the time, but He knows what's best. Trust Him. He's got your back!